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When can I expect my order to arrive?
When can I expect my order to arrive?
Updated yesterday

We use the most up-to-date information from our shipping partners to provide an accurate estimation of delivery dates at checkout.

While we are able to deliver more than 95% of orders within the estimated times, external factors may influence delivery times.

“I have not received my order yet, where is it?”. Here is a quick checklist that can be used before contacting support:

1. Check the tracking information for your order in your account and wait for your order to be shipped. Our production times vary by product, and it takes a few days for us to produce and ship your order.

HERE is how you can find the tracking link in your account.

2. Check if your order was split into multiple packages. If that is the case, you should have received either one email with multiple tracking numbers, or multiple shipping confirmation emails with different tracking numbers. Also, you should have more than one tracking link in your order, like in the following image:


3. Wait 24-48hrs. More than 80% of delayed packages arrive within this time frame. We understand it's hard to wait for a much expected package, and our support team will be here to assist you. Our team will contact our partners to try to find the most up-to-date status, but the answer and confirmation usually takes up to 48hrs (and we end up providing the update after the package has arrived)

Note: Orders that are already in transit cannot be expedited.

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