For the best result, please follow the guidelines below:
Avoid sending photos downloaded from Facebook, as their quality may have been reduced. Try to use original photos whenever possible.
Send the original photo from your digital camera, taken in the highest resolution (pixels/dpi). When uploading your photo, our system will notify you if the image quality is "Good", "Fair" or "Bad"***.
The minimum requirement for an image to print on cards clearly is 300 dpi.
Make sure that all objects are well-lit during the taking of your photo. Natural light is the best option but otherwise, make sure the image brightness is high.
Select the highest resolution and the largest file that your camera allows. The maximum limit of the uploaded images is 30 MB.
Watch for movement, especially with babies, as the movement captured by the camera will appear as a blur that is not always detectable in resolution.
Remember that we offer a 100% quality guarantee, whenever applicable.
***Applicable to websites in new platform.