Once an order is placed, we would not be able to change anything especially the design. You would have to cancel the order and place a new order.
To do this, go to your account and click on "My orders"
Locate the order you wish to cancel and click on "Cancel Or Edit".
You will be routed to a new page which will give you two options:
Cancel Order
Once you click on Cancel Order, you will be asked to confirm your choice before the order is cancelled completely and refunded.Edit Order
Though it says edit, this will still cancel and refund the order. This option will add the items back to your basket so you can edit them and you will have to place a new order.
Please Note:
Orders can only be canceled if status is "Unfulfilled" and not cancelled
Fulfilled means that the order has been accepted and sent for production. We can no longer cancel them and the button should no longer visible in your order summary.
Fulfillment for products may vary especially for multi-pages products like photo books and calendars.
For posters and other single page products, fulfillment can be real-time. If you wish to cancel it and unable to do so, please connect with our agent within 30 minutes after ordering and we'll see if your order is still eligible for cancellation.