This promotion is currently available for customers from Sweden and United Kingdom.
Great news! We’re offering free standard shipping on your first order placed through our app. Whether you're ordering a single item or multiple products, your first purchase using our App qualifies for this special promotion.
Is there a minimum order value to qualify for free shipping?
No, all first-time app orders qualify regardless of order value.
Is there a maximum shipping fee covered by the offer?
Yes, the free shipping applies only if the shipping fee is 10 Euros or less (converted to your local currency).
Does the offer apply to all product categories?
Yes, the free standard shipping applies to all products available in the app.
Can the free shipping offer be combined with other promotions?
Yes, the free shipping can be combined with product discounts but not with other shipping promotions.
Will the offer apply to standard shipping only?
Yes, this promotion is valid for standard shipping only.
Will the code be applied automatically upon checkout?
No, you have to manually add the code.
The code does not work. What should I do?
Check if you have chosen standard shipping
Check if the code you add is correct. No extra spaces, no typos
Still having trouble? Contact us so we can assist you.